Projekt ukončen, aktivity sítě pokračují
Projekt Mezioborová síť udržitelného rozvoje byl úspěšně ukončen 30. 4. 2014, aktivity sítě však nadále pokračují.
Tyto původní stránky projektu budou aktualizovány pouze ve výjimečných případech, pro pokračování aktivit je třeba přejít na následující webové stránky:
Regionální centrum expertízy Česko - pro další spolupráci subjektů v Česku
COPERNICUS Alliance - pro mezinárodní spolupráci
Mezinárodní projektu UE4SD (běžel v letech 2013-2016)
Recenzovaný časopis Envigogika
MOSUR partners present most interested project outputs at the final project meeting in Prague
A final project meeting of the MOSUR partners took place in the historic administration building of Charles University on 29 April 2014. During the afternoon session of the meeting, members of the public had an opportunity to hear about the most interesting project outputs from individual partner organisations. At the conclusion of the meeting, a discussion took place on the options for continuing cooperation among academic institutions with other social actors from the non-profit and private sectors.
Fifteen representatives of 8 partner organisations took part in the final meeting (the Charles University Environment Center, the University of South Bohemia, the Biology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Masaryk University, the Business Leaders Forum, Veronica Ecological Institute, the University of Finance and Administration, and Green Circle). The public session in the afternoon was introduced by Charles University Environment Center director Prof. RNDr. Bedřich Moldan, CSc. and apart from the project partners, several other interested parties from the public also participated.
To view the outputs presented to members of the Czech version of this article.
public, go the