Projekt ukončen, aktivity sítě pokračují
Projekt Mezioborová síť udržitelného rozvoje byl úspěšně ukončen 30. 4. 2014, aktivity sítě však nadále pokračují.
Tyto původní stránky projektu budou aktualizovány pouze ve výjimečných případech, pro pokračování aktivit je třeba přejít na následující webové stránky:
Regionální centrum expertízy Česko - pro další spolupráci subjektů v Česku
COPERNICUS Alliance - pro mezinárodní spolupráci
Mezinárodní projektu UE4SD (běžel v letech 2013-2016)
Recenzovaný časopis Envigogika
Follow-up project kicks off in Prague with regional hub meeting
From February to March 2014, four project regional meetings were organised in four regional European hubs that gathered partners from each region to initiate a new international project as a follow-up to the network connections made as part of the MOSUR project. This is University Educators for Sustainable Development (UE4SD), in which the Charles University Environment Center coordinates the Eastern European hub. The first such hub meeting took place in Prague on 2 & 3 February. The purpose of these meetings was to share management and administration issues as well as discuss the first phase of the project which involves each member country mapping its existing professional development opportunities for university educators. Project partners will map national and institutional initiatives, schemes and activities in this area. This data will inform four regional reports and one state of the art report which will be shared at the project annual meeting and COPERNICUS Alliance Conference which will take place from 2-3 October 2014 in Prague, Czech Republic.
You can find also some photos from the Prague meeting here: Day1 and Day 2