Projekt ukončen, aktivity sítě pokračují

Projekt Mezioborová síť udržitelného rozvoje byl úspěšně ukončen 30. 4. 2014, aktivity sítě však nadále pokračují.

Tyto původní stránky projektu budou aktualizovány pouze ve výjimečných případech, pro pokračování aktivit je třeba přejít na následující webové stránky:


Regionální centrum expertízy Česko - pro další spolupráci subjektů v Česku

COPERNICUS Alliance - pro mezinárodní spolupráci

Mezinárodní projektu UE4SD (běžel v letech 2013-2016)

Webová encyklopedie Enviwiki

Recenzovaný časopis Envigogika


MOSUR contribution to 6th Living Knowledge Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark

Dr. Jana Dlouhá from the Charles University Environment Center delivered a presentation on an analysis of stakeholder interaction in sustainability in regional issues and conflicts with a focus on the role of scientists during the Living Knowledge Conference in Copenhagen on 9-11 April 2014. The conference theme was An Innovative Civil Society: Impact through Co-creation and Participation.

The conference sought to explore experiences with research and innovation for, with and by civil society, and develop policy recommendations and articulate research needs within community-based research and research focusing on societal challenges. It built on the experience of the previous Living Knowledge Conferences in Leuven, Seville, Paris,Belfast, and Bonn and was an opportunity to bring together some of the key thinkers and practitioners in the area of community-based research, university-community partnerships and science shops, provide opportunities for collaboration, who tried to ensure that civil society’s role in research and innovation is prioritised on policy agendas, both nationally and internationally.

The conference was hosted by Aalborg University’s Center for Design, Innovation and Sustainable Transitionsin Copenhagen and was organised by researchers who were among the founders of the international science shop network, Living Knowledge. 

The conference themes were:

  1. Social innovation – empowering civil society?
  2. How to involve multiple users in design of assistive technologies?
  3. Co-operation in multicultural contexts – North–South cooperation
  4. Sustainable development: from vision to transition
  5. Developing competences through problem-based learning with civil society
  6. Developing the university – civil society interaction
  7. How to organize and manage science shops and community-based research units?
  8. Governance of science and technology with civil society

Download Dr. Dlouhá's presentation here.


Inaugural meeting of the RCE Czechia

On 27th April 2017, the Regional Center of Expertise Czechia was officially launched. After more than a year of efforts by the Charles University Environmental Center, the network was successfully accredited by the United Nations University (UNU). In the Czech Republic, RCE Czechia is the first association of this type, joining the network of Regional Centers of Expertise across the world which today comprises more than 150 such RCE associations. In Central and Eastern Europe, this model of cooperation has been applied only minimally – so far only 4 RCEs have been established in Albania, Russia and Serbia. Full minutes from the opening meeting can be downloaded here.

RCE Czechia is direct follow-up of the MOSUR Project. You can read more about RCE Czechia on its web pages.




Contact: Charles University Environment Center, José Martího 407/2, 162 00 Praha 6, tel: +420 220 199 460, e-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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